Jianming Hao
Research Topic:
1.Transient Bridge Aerodynamic
2. Non-Synoptic Winds
3. Buffeting and Flutter Analysis
4. Wind-Structure Interaction
5. Computational Wind Engineering
Reda Snaiki
Research Topic:
1. Rapid Estimate of Tropical Cyclone Wind
2. Wind And Surge Fields Under Observed and Projected Climate Conditions
Haifeng Wang
Research Topic:
1. Nonstationary Wind Field Simulation
2. Nonstationarity Quantification
3. Tall Building Aerodymanics
4. Wind Structure Interaction
Shaopeng Li
Research Topic:
1. Real-time Hybrid Simulation
2. Coupled Hurricane Wind And Wave Fields Simulation
3. Extreme Wave Load Modeling
4. Floating Wind Turbine
Xiangdong He
Research Topic:
1. Wind-wave simulation